Saturday 24 March 2018

Chunky Charm Bracelet - Fraser Ross Jewellery

Hey everyone's & Deluca here. I'm going to show you how to make a chunky charm bracelet. Now you can't, you don't have to make a bracelet, you can just totally make a huge chunky charm if you want, but I just thought it'd be fun to, to make bracelets and then if you want to use them for, you know closures on mini albums or hang them on a mini album or something you totally can. So I have just gathered a bunch of supplies, I’ve got some white pearls and some little flower beads and some of these are plastic, some are glass and we're doing a swap on LSH. I just posted it, it's called the chunky bracelet swap or the chunky charm bracelet swap and that's why I'm doing this tutorial, to teach or to show everyone, you know what I do to make mine.

I have a bunch of these little, these are the plastic that they look metal beads. I've got a bunch of baubles in here, a big heart charm and I'm using a large lobster clasp, it's very big. I've seen one of these cute little baubles, I got these from twins moms and then I just have you know, some bead caps, Charms that I want to add and then this whole bag of keys, because you just you want to fill it up and you want it real chunky. I also have this little pink chain and this pink will go with, you know the theme that I'm going with pink. This is not going to be the bracelet for the charm swap this is just when I'm making for a tutorial.

I'm using 20 gauge wire 20 gauge wire is very easy to use and manipulate but you may want to go a little bit bigger and get 18 gauge, as that will be a stronger wire, but I'm going to show you a way to make your charms that they will not fall off. Its, it will be impossible. Okay so I'm going to just get everything ready, I'm going to make some split rings so I'm cut a large piece of wire off because I'm going to need a lot of split rings for this. Actually I'm not going to make that many because of the way I'm going to do mine, it's going to be a lot stronger. So I will make some, because I may want to use some.

Okay so I'm just going to take this piece of wire here, let's move this out of the way so you can see a little better and all I can do it with this, but I'm going to show you on a paintbrush, because this may be easier for you to do. I'm just going to take a paintbrush just like this and I'm going to start twisting the wire around the paintbrush, just like this and trying to get it as tight to the previous wire, wire as I can and just wrap it all the way around. Kind of like you're making a spring. What you could use this for a spring. Okay now I have this and I'm just going to cut off that little end sitting there and then I'm going to cut about two or three at the same time. You want some strong wire cutters for this, in the same place each time.

Okay so that's going to give me a few jump rings. Normally I would just do a real long piece. Okay I'm back so now I'm going to show you now these are the stuff I use these tools, I use the small round nose plier. I use these needle nose pliers that have like the gripper, they have a teeth on it and then my wire cutters. That's the only three tools I use, also I'm going to measure myself and this is going to be a little bulky, so I'm just going to measure this on myself and give it about an extra two inches, maybe and I'm going to show you a sure-fire way that you will not lose any of your beads.

I also put it on a white background, I'm going to cut a wire about two inches long, I'm going to take one end and I'm going to go to the side, so it's going to be like that. Right, now I'm going to wrap this around my pliers and I'm going to keep going and then I'm going to wrap that a little bit so I have this. I'm going to take my lobster clasp, I'm going to pop it on the end there and slide it through. Now that it's on the little circle, I'm going to hold it with my needle nose and I should have given myself a little bit more wire, but now I'm going to wrap it around the end, just like this. I have to use my pliers because I left too small of a tail. I'm just going to pinch that down, so if you see that's not going to come off. Making some links with and I'm going to alternate the pearls and flowers and the pink crystals and baubles.

So the big bubbles I'm probably going to want to do like one here, here, here, some in between, like that. So that's what I’ll do, there's five there, so I'm probably going to put them about an inch apart. Let's back up a little bit, so you see what I'm doing. Okay so now I'm going to cut about two inches of wire, I'm going to put my little bauble on it and then I'm going to bend my wire around just like this and wrap that around the stem. I'm going to cut the excess off and I'm going to pinch it down that little tail cuz that I don't want that to be sharp and now what I'm going to do is I'm going to add a bead, just like that and now I'm going to grab my wire, bend it this way, twist it around the pliers and now I have a. So I'm switching to different chain, this one's a lot stronger than the other one.

Okay so now I'm going to take my little piece of wire and my bobble and I'm going to place it on the chain exactly where I want it to hang and I'm going to hold the loop with my pliers and I'm going to wrap this wire around the stem, the wire, and then I'm going to clip that little tail up and I'm going to smash down that little tail, because that will be sharp. Okay so now, that bobble will not come off unless the chain breaks, because the loops are wrapped around the stems. Okay so now I have all the bobbles on and I'm just going to start making little charms or little dangles with pearls and beads and I’ll do a couple and regular motion and then after that I’ll just kind of speed it up and you can watch me build it. So here we go. Okay so I pretty much have this pretty full but I'm still going to fill a couple more spots and show you those too. I have a part there, another really pretty crystal here, in this here. So what I'm going to do is, I could either use a split ring like I made earlier or I can do, I'm going to show you just a little trick with these.

I'm going to cut that off and start it over, so you can see. Okay so here's the heart bead, the crystal and then there's my little wire. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to twist the end into a little circle and use the smallest part of my pliers and now I have a little tiny circle there and I'm just going to take and I'm going to bend my wire, so I got that now. I'm going to put my wire down on the wire or the bead there on the wire just like that and I'm going to take my pliers, actually I'm going to add a bead. I think I’ll add a heart bead, I'm going to put a little bead on there, actually this is a pearl. Can you slide that down and now I'm going to take my pliers right above it, about an eighth of an inch. I'm going to bend it toward me just like that and then I'm going to wrap my wire around the pliers, just like that and I'm going to leave it open and then I'm going to take my silver necklace or my bracelet and find a link that I want to add it to.

One that has you know a big space right here and I'm going to feed the top of this wire through one of the chain links, just like that and then I'm going to force the loop around, force the chain through the loop, just like that. So now it's hooked on the chain and I changed my chains, I was using the pink one but it wasn't strong enough and now I'm just going to wrap my wire around. Okay and I don't need that much, so I'm going to clip off that tail there and I don't want that tail showing, that's left, so I'm going to take my needle nose and I'm going to crimp that part down, just like that. Now the heart is hanging on there, just like that. I do it one more time with one of these, this actually has a loop on it that's open, so I'm just going to take one of my split rings and whatever you call these, I'm going to open it and you don't open it you don't pull it open, you do that to open it. I'm just going to slide that on, you find another space on the chain, have some room. Looks like you need some more right here, so I'm just going to pop it on by those links and close that and here's the end I added.

I added a bunch of split rings and then the lobster claws on this side, so I can just keep adding and adding and hopefully this gives you an idea of how to make it. Make yours, you can make your charms this way. There it is on my hand, there's the clasp and it's quite a heavy bracelet because I used a real strong chain and I did those the links by wrapping my wire around the base. There's no rings that can open up, if there's like a lightweight charm I just used the split rings. That's a lightweight charm, that one is but the big heavy baubles I wanted to link it real strong and secure. So there you go, I hope that you guys have fun making your chunk of charm bracelets and make sure that you join the swap at a little scrap of heaven and make your own. Thanks for watching love you, bye.

Sunday 25 February 2018

Silver Charm Bracelet

Everybody, it’s Cara and I'm back with part two of the tutorials that I'm putting together to show you guys how I make my silver charms and bracelets. I have had a couple videos that I've uploaded and I had some few questions on how I put them together, so, I decided to go ahead and do these tutorials and show you the way that I do it. I just want to say again I'm not a professional. I have not taken any classes, this is just the way that it works best for me and I'm hoping that it answers any questions those few you had and maybe help somebody else out when they're starting.

In the first video I showed you guys how I pulled together on my supplies, get my tools ready, make the choices of chain and all that good stuff, which is what I did. I did choose to use the chain that had to basically two pieces to it and what I do in the first part is I attach the clasps, which in this case we're the ones with a little bit of rhinestone. I used a split ring to do it and I will show you how to put those on, put on both sides, then once I'm done with that I find the centre of the chain, literally by counting the links, because I'm just a little OCD and I like to start from the middle. To me that's the best starting point because then I can make sure everything is laid out evenly and it's balanced.

So, I added the first charm which is this one. I typically put a not a huge one but a bigger one in the middle and then I work out and I lay out on my silver charms, which is what I did here. All of these charms already have split rings on them, or a jump ring or two, I think. So they're ready to go. usually I would put them on at the same time that I put the split ring on, but I just kind of wanted to show them to you and you can see this one for example, I'm sure the camera will pick it up but this one has a smaller split ring on it, as opposed to this heart one that has something in the back to attach to the charm. I used a bigger one because of the way I wanted it to hang. I will, just wanted to point out that split rings and jump rings come in different sizes, so depending on how you want your charms and other little dangly things to dangle, I guess.

How you know, how far down you want them to go or how you want them to lay on the bracelet. You can you know, use a variety of sizes of those, so make sure you're aware of that, if you decide to go and get any. To attach the charms, like I said, you can use jump rings or split rings. If you use sorry I'm fiddling with the charm, if you use split rings there is less of a chance that the charm will come off the chain because the split ring is very similar to that little ring that's on a keychain. You know the one we have to bend it open and slide the keys on. That’s what you have to do here, you have to kind of open up the wire and slide the chain on and you want to try and avoid damaging the shape of the jump ring. You want it to be a nice pretty circle to look good on your charm bracelet.

So you can open it using one of these tools, which is almost kind of like a beak, or you can see that my camera doesn't want to focus on it. Basically, it has a little pointed edge there that prise open, the two pieces of wire, you could also use tweezers if you have a bent pair like this and you can manoeuvre it in between the two pieces of wire and I know some of my crafty friends use their nails, but that's going to damage your nail so I wouldn't recommend it. I like this little tool, I picked it up, I think it was online at an Etsy store for four or five dollars, so for me it was worth it, because it works really well in helping to open that up. Hopefully you can kind of see how it's doing that and basically you would just take a charm and you would slide it on the part that's open, just like so. Pull your charm out and then you can either finish pulling it around with your fingers or you could take one of your sets of pliers. Hold on to the jump ring and just manoeuvre until it clicks all the way through and there it is.

that's one way to do it. Another way that you can do this, let's use this one, is a jump ring. Sometimes you're going to have to use a jump ring because the part of the charm or button or whatever you're using, that you're going to attach to the ring, is so thick that you can't open that split ring wide enough. So you'll have to use a jump ring and they're perfectly fine, again the idea is to not distort the or damage the shape of the jump ring. keep it in that circle, so what you're doing is you're going to take a pair of, I'd say I think they're flat nose pliers, basically flat edge, sorry I can't remember the official names, but you're basically going to take hold of this one side and the opening and the jump rings right up here at the top. you'll take another set of the pliers like so and you'll bend it toward you or away from you, but just one direction and you know you don't want to bend any more than you have to.

Put on the charm, take your pliers back, bend it back and shape to the circle and then there you have it. It’s all, it's on the jump ring and can be attached to the bracelet, to the chain. Now normally when I'm doing this, I would put them on the sterling silver chain at the same time. Typically makes it a little bit easier. You know just to have to open it one time, but I just kind of wanted to show you how that worked and that's how I'm going to do my sterling silver charms.

I can't remember if I showed you that really well. so what I'm going to do when I'm finished with this video is, I'm going to go through and add all the charms here and then I will be back with part three, to show you how I put together the little beads that I like to dangle off my charms and we'll be adding those next and then buttons, will be the final stage and then hopefully the bracelet will be done.

So thanks for watching, please let me know if you have any comments or questions. Again not a professional, I'm not making fine jewellery but I'm happy to answer questions and help you out if I can. So once again, thanks for watching and I hope you have a great day wherever you're at. Bye.

Saturday 27 January 2018

Rose Gold Jewellery - Fraser Ross Australia

Hi everyone my name is Mallory and I am so excited to chat a little bit about rose gold jewellery and showcase some fun and easy ways to style it with outfits this summer and fall. Don't be intimidated by this pink hued metal, it's actually one of the most universally flattering tones as it pulls out the rose in every skin colour. Plus as you can see on me, it looks great paired with just about any metals, gold, silver so you don't have to choose between the two.

For all of your jewellery lovers out there that may be familiar with cardio smoothie ring featuring rose gold, silver and gold. They were one of the first companies to introduce rose gold to the mainstream community in a successful way, back in the 1920s. The boho trend is here to stay and so many of these 70s inspired clothing styles feature earth tones which are beautiful complements to rose gold. Earth tones include everything from shades of brown, deep reds, greens, yellows and oranges, all warm colours that are perfect pairings for rose gold.

So I opted for a 70s inspired burnt orange top. I'm layering our petite Razoo rose gold choker with our gold leaf pendant necklace and our matching rose gold studs and this whole look is perfect for bringing you right into the fall season. An offshoot of the earth tone family is the nude family, which includes everything from creams, topes, vases, dusty pink and another boho chic look is this right here and it showcases the really popular fringe trend that again is very 70s inspired and a tank top sweater is perfect for those cool summer evenings and transitioning right into fall and I’ve paired it with our rose gold collar necklace which is just so beautiful.

The clear faceted stones pick up the nude in the top really nicely and it gives you that pinkish theme without going overboard, which I love and then the crystal details are just that little bit of feminine touch that you need to round out the outfit. So I love this as another option for showcasing that beautiful rose gold chain. Waiting the next trend is an off shoulder table and I shouldn't even call it a trend it's a wardrobe essential. This list became popular this past spring and ever since has just exploded. It's everywhere from Robert 21 daraa H&M; you name it and this look became so popular because it allows you to show off a little bit of skin in a fun and flattering way.

The rose gold pairs really, really beautifully with vibrant colours. Here we have it paired with an off shoulder red top. Red is perfect because it's bright enough to finish off summer and to showcase all those summer brights but then transitions into fall perfectly. So off shoulder tops also look really, really good paired with dainty ER pieces because you, are as I mentioned before, trying to be a little fun, flirty you're showing a little skin so you don't want anything too overwhelming around your chest.

So here I paired it with our Bianca convertible necklace in rose gold featuring these beautiful little crystals around the pearl inlay and I just love this necklace paired with this beautiful red top. You see the pink and the red compliment perfectly and last but not least, we have our grey tones. The rose gold and grape heron you see quite a bit in wedding colour schemes and bridal parties and that's because the two of them together are so romantic and dreamy because grey is a neutral tone. You can wear this look with your favourite grey tee or you can opt for a beautiful blouse like this one shown here and so here I have paired this grey blouse with our petite baju rose gold choker and this choker actually is a two row choker. So it's a little different than the one that you see, it has a second layer and it features these beautiful cubic zirconia stones and feminine detailing.

The whole look is just as I mentioned before, so beautiful and dreamy and something that you can accomplish whether you're dressed down for the day or dressed up. I hope showcasing all these trends and colour pairings with rose gold really inspired you to get creative with your styling this summer, fall season and beyond and I can't wait to see all of the mixing and matching that you do yourself with our new rose gold pieces.

Sunday 10 December 2017

Top 10 Jewellery Essentials

Hello and welcome to my video blog on my top 10 jewellery essentials. So kind of the absolute basics that I think most women would benefit from, having in their jewellery box to go in outfits and finish out this off because it is about making yourself look polished and individual and that's what jewelry does and a lot of people I meet really do struggle with jewelry because they don't know what goes with what. What pieces they should own and it's generally their jewellery box is full of stuff that they've been given as presents, that they don't know what to wear and also it's just confidence. That's what it really boils down to, so these are my top ten pieces that I think work with an awful lot in your wardrobe.

Now when I’m going through a client's wardrobe I won't actually check any jewellery out because sometimes it's sentimental, it could be worth a lot of money and so I always leave it to the kind of understand what they've got. So number one on my list is a beautiful pair of diamond stud earrings. Okay so whether they are real or whether they are fake, the decision is entirely up to you. So these particular ones I got for my 21st, 22nd birthday quite a while ago. I live and diamond web all the time and it's very rare that you'll see me change my earrings. At the moment I have again replaced them just for some of them, so the diamonds not real but these are my real diamond studs that yeah I live, live and die and then go absolutely everything. Simple pair of jeans and a t-shirt and you're looking finished off just by having some diamond studs. My favourite and not real diamonds are by stella and dot unless the 20 pounds that they look fantastic. Just cubic zirconia, so again don't have to be real.

You can just get some people's number two on my list is a beautiful watch and now again this is totally dependent on your budget, on your style. I personally I wear my dad's. I like a bigger watch because I’m quite tall and curvy. I just prefer having a chunky man's watch that's just my style but this one's obviously slightly smaller. I'd always recommend small, go for a mixed metal like this one so you've got your silver and your gold because I think it's nice to mix metal. I think it's more stylish for some people. I'm only going to wear gold, i'm going to go to my silver, that's fair enough but if you've got skin tone where you can mix metal then I definitely would so.

A really nice timepiece is the two on my list, number three is a delicate gold necklace. So I wear my dad's dime they had in a ring. I have made into a necklace and I never take it off, I wear it all the time. So I think a delicate necklace could be maybe something sentimental to your whether it be a saint christopher or something you know that means something to you and so anything sort of delicate. A little it's nice to have around your neck and I probably would feel more comfortable in something like this, then I would in the next piece which I’m going to show you.

So number four on my list is a statement necklace. Look at that bling, so I would say that statement necklace this one's from ultimate collection and then I’ve also just picked up one from topshop which I thought was quite nice because it's got this sort of mixed metal again but it goes with an awful lot so you can just add that on to an outfit and really sort of change the look. Totally again wearing a simple t-shirt out and pair of jeans by adding a statement necklace you're really, really taking it to another level. Now a statement necklace is fantastic that drawing your eye to that area, so if you've got a nice decollate by all means do that, because just think that's where people's eye has been drawn to. It's also great at disguising a small chest so if you are interested then a statement piece of jewellery on you looks amazing. I personally I’m not as keen and I prefer a delicate. Okay so it's you know whatever you personally desire. Number five on my top ten is a long necklace, now everyone should have along necklace in the wardrobe. The reason being is that they are the best tip and trick and making you look taller and slimmer, so the reason being is a long necklace draws the eye downwards, so you appear taller and slimmer just by putting something simple and long.

Now this is particularly my favourite longer place, it's called the rebel pendant. Again it is from stone and our own shot is in a brand of jewellery cost you jewelry, but I really recommend the reason being is it's very good quality and that's the key when you're buying high street jewelry. You know don't go to cheap, because a cheap piece of jewellery will cheapen an expensive outfit. Okay where you know and not so cheap piece of jewelry can make a cheap outfit look expensive so it's definitely being careful with what you pick when you're buying jewellery and I think this particular one's about 60, 65 pounds, comes in gold, it comes in silver and it also comes in a beautiful rose gold as well. So a long necklace is a great tip at making you look taller and slimmer.

Number six on my list of top ten is a cocktail ring. So if you're not into statement necklace like i'm not, I generally do wear a statement ring. So if I was say going out on a night out I always think a statement cocktail ring you're wearing that little black dress really add something to your outfit and if you particularly like your hands then again it's drawing it attention to that area, so cocktail ring for me is definitely high up on the list. Number seven on the list is bracelets, so again a cuff, so this is for someone that again like me they wouldn't really do a statement necklace and at once a bit of chunky jewelry so I would prefer you know of cerf obviously not probably with this top but with a nice dress could look fantastic again with pro jeans and t-shirt on are people about it but jewellery really does bring up interest into really simple classical outfits.

Now if cuffs isn't really for you, you could always do some sort of smaller more delicate pieces. I wear a couple of bangles all the time and but if you just wanted something small and lay them out that's really on trend at the moment to have bangles later. Number eight on my top ten is some wow statement earrings, so look at them bad boys. So I think again it's all about bits in moderation you definitely would not wear these with a statement necklace a bangle and a cocktail ring. You choose one or the other, so it's whatever you want to draw your attention to. So he's got a beautiful neck area if you've got short hair you're wearing your hair up having a statement pair of earrings really draws your attention to that area, so if you're wearing a strapless dress or you're wearing holiday and you just spent seeing something a bit of bling then these can be absolutely brilliant.

I got these from boutique in newark blast and I just really loved the cheque was standing them, so i've only worn them on holiday. It's still good thing to have, so number nine on my list is a pair of hoop earrings. Now hoops aren't something I wear, they're not really my sort of style, they're meant to make you look younger, more youthful, so I suppose I should really, but a pair of hoops a lot of my clients love wearing a size totally dependent on you. Some people from bit smaller and wouldn't really go a lot bigger than that personally but pair of hoops. This one's a michael kors, just rose gold ones are great simple addition to having your in your jewelry box. Last but not least in number 10 on my top 10 jewelry basics is alice chanel's a few pearls, so doesn't really matter how old you are. Pearls are absolutely classical thing to have and however you want to do them whether you wear them long or short but they can really make a simple shirt top pair of jeans look so classy and chic so they are my top 10 of joy basics, the absolute essentials that most women will really benefit from having in their jewellery box. I do hope you enjoyed watching thank you so much bye 

Thursday 23 November 2017

Gold and two tone Pandora bracelets

Hi everyone, I just wanted to show you my Pandora bracelet. I have a few, a couple more bracelets with beads. This is my all gold charm bracelet and this is my two-tone bangle, or you know, the two-tone beads. So we'll look at my gold bracelet here, so this is actually the 2-tone bracelet so it’s a silver snake chain with the gold clasp. I have a gold safety chain, get this to focus, here we go, as little flowers around that. Then of course, this is mine and I'm not trying to brag, I just you know I like watching these videos on YouTube about the Pandora bracelet, so thought I'd share mine and I'm not too familiar with doing these videos, so bear with me.

I don't know the names of these charms, I received a lot of them through eBay, bought over eBay and they all have the proper authentic markings. You see the spacer here, is a charm, all gold here, yes Wilke. I believe these are blue topaz, which are my birthstone. Hard to see, I think they may be aquamarine, is like cabochons, they're like a smooth surface. This is a clip here, this is a spacer my husband bought me for our first wedding anniversary. This looks like, I think this is like an ocean charm, this is another spacer here. This is humbling hearts with some cz’s, cubic zirconia, another spacer. This is I believe a pink topaz maybe, I'm not sure, the stones. Another charm here, these I mean the detail, the workmanship, of Pandora is just amazing. This is another clip, on my Pandora bracelets I do like the variety of having two clips. I don't, in my opinion I don't feel like I need to the same clip on the same bracelet, for you know, that's just my opinion.

This is another charm, almost like a I think this is like peach moonstone, very pretty. Some CZ’s here and this one actually has diamonds like hearts, very pretty love that one and this is, I think, I don't know if this is lots of love, I don't remember the names again, I'm bad with names in general. Though and this is I think like clouds silver lining or something like that, I'm not sure and this is the other end of the chain here and it closes up. Take a look at my other and so these are all gold charms here but the bracelet itself is silver and then the clasp is the gold. Very pretty, take a look at my, this is one of my bangles and this is a silver bangle, just a plain type clasp. Take a look at these charms, this is a clip and see this doesn't really move, has a little rubber stopper inside. This is a two-tone clip, I love this one. My favourites and it has it on both sides the gold the purse, two-tone, see I love you cube, I love you. I know it's upside down, turn this would be a little better.

This one is clovers with some it's a two-tone charm again. This is my, this is like a jewellery box, little gold heart and on the bottom says my unforgettable moment. Sorry if it's a little dirty, I did clean this, but you know the polishing cloth but you know nothing's perfect. This is a Black Friday charm from 2015, I know it's upside down, has a little gold snowflake on the top very pretty. This one is like an angel that's 925 on the bottom and it has a halo is gold. Very pretty, right I mean the detail is just amazing and then this I know my husband bought me and remember. Something wrong and the gold again is on both sides, very pretty and then this is another clip. I don't remember the name of this one, but it's a clip, there's a little bit of gold around the cz, on and again it's on both sides, and yes so this is then going again I do have more Pandora.

I've been collecting for several years. I've you know slowly building my collection and yeah I just I mean, the detail, the quality is just amazing. So I hope you liked my video, if you have any suggestions or you know recommend, you know recommendations or questions for me, let me know in the comments. I hope you like my video, I plan on doing more like I said, I do have more Pandora. Rest of my Pandora is mostly silver and yeah so I hope you like the video and I hope you have a great day. Alright, alright take care, bye. 

Wednesday 1 November 2017

How to choose jewellery

The huge range of jewellery at Fraser Ross (t/a chain me up) means that you couldn’t help but find something to love. We only sell solid gold and solid silver jewellery, we would never lower our standards to sell inferior gold-filled or gold plated jewellery. When you buy a gold necklace or silver charm, you would want it to last forever, and only solid precious metal jewellery will last.

Being able to pass your precious items down through your family is only one reason to buy quality. Cheap jewellery won’t last, it doesn’t look as good as the ‘real’ thing and is really false economy. Our 5 and 10 year warranties on all items we sell gives you the peace of mind to know that our jewellery will last you for many years, and go on to be enjoyed by your children and grand-children.

Hi my name is Katrina, I am a personal stylist and image maker. In this short video I would like to share with you some secrets about how to choose your jewellery. First thing you should remember that there is no need to wear more than three pieces of jewellery at once. By the way earrings are two pieces of jewelry, so you can wear earrings and ring, earrings and bracelet or bracelet, necklace and ring and so it's better to look like it's missing something. Rather than look like a Christmas tree.

Also don't try to combine together jewelry made of gold and silver. It doesn't look good, only if such metals are combined in your bracelet or necklace by a designer, so it won't be a mistake. Don't forget that you could not wear the visual tree and jewelry together. Of course you can, but it doesn't look good, it makes your outfit cheaper and tasteless. When you're are searching for shape for your visual tree or jewelry, you should remember about your facial features.

Why it's so important and what is that facial features? How they can be, visual features can be soft and rugged. Soft facial features it's when you have rounded face, soft chin, soft cheeks and shape of your lips is also soft, it may be your lips are big as well and your eyebrows are also rounded, your eyes rounded, so for such facial features it's better to wear jewellery, round type of jewelry. It will make your look more harmonious, if you have rugged facial features, it means your nose is straight, your lips are most probably seen your cheekbones are very good.

You can see them very good, your face type is also rugged, your eyebrows are straight and your eyes most probably, has your eyes, most probably have almond type. So for such facial features it's better to choose jewellery like squares, triangles, stars and so on and it will make your look more harmonious. In that case, if you have soft and rugged facial features, same amount, it means you can choose any type of jewelry, but there is so there is a secret for choosing in that case for choosing jewelry. If you want to look more feminine better to choose rounded jewelry, if you need to look more alternative and more powerful, so choose jewellery with triangles, squares and other angles.

The last what to choose at this time, what's better to wear earrings and bracelet or maybe rings and necklace. How to choose a type and there is we can divide all decoration for two kinds, first kind we wear on the top of our body, on upper part such as earrings and necklace and another we're in the down, in down part of our body, such as bracelets and rings.

So if you want to create complete outfit, it's better to choose one piece of jewellery for upper part and another for down part and the same you see on the picture, lady has earrings and bracelet. Like that, your look will be complete and you won't feel like something is missing in your outfit. I hope this video was useful for you, in info box you can find links to articles, other articles that I wrote about choosing jewelry. Subscribe for my channel and see you in next videos

Thursday 30 March 2017

Gold Charms | Buy Gold Charm Online Australia | Fraser Ross

Australian made gold chains and charms are a little taste of our beautiful sunburnt country and they look incredible swinging from your wrist! Australia has been in the business of gold for a good few centuries so it isn’t hard to see how some of the best quality of gold comes from our beautiful outback! Our Website, Fraser Ross is celebrating our native country by only offering the most affordable prices on some of the best quality gold jewellery you will find.

So why would you buy gold charms? Historically charms have been fashion statements and tokens of good luck and love, in the mid 20th century they made a comeback amongst younger women and were very popular fashion pieces amongst mothers and daughters and best friends. These charms are passed down generation to generation and hold a way of expressing yourself on a personal level that a necklace use can’t.

Which charms should you purchase? We think you might find that you’re a bit spoiled for choice at Fraser Ross! We stock over 4600 solid gold charms in hundreds of different categories, there is something for everyone here! When it comes to choosing a chain to attach charms to, we have a special area of our website dedicated to a selection of charm suitable chains. These chains are sturdy and beautiful with perfectly sized loops for attaching charms easily. Putting your own charm bracelet together has never been so easy, you can use our sizing guide to help you choose the right type of chain and determine the length you will require. There won’t be any difficult guesswork involved, you’re also welcome to drop us a line if you’re still unsure about what size to go with, we’ve got you covered.

Check out all our men's and women’s 9ct gold jewelry at Fraser Ross Jewellery.